The Elfors Family

The Elfors Family

Sunday, January 30, 2011

My definition of a good weekend!

This weekend was SO nice! I was so busy last week with work and school so all i wanted was a relaxing weekend. Garrett worked this weekend so i got a lot of alone time, which surprisingly i kind of like sometimes. I like being alone and i am also a major homebody. I love being at home, probably because during the week i am NEVER home. On Thursday night i went out to dinner with my friend Emily and some ladies ini her ward were having a craft night. We made some cute things! Here are some pics.
way cute magnets!

On saturday i decided i need more valentines decorations so i went to salt lake to the wood connection and got some stuff to make more. i also went to the mall and got some cute hot pink vans and a university of utah hoody and hat from victorias secret. Friday night i did all my crafts!

I really am wanting  one of these! I keep trying to convince Garrett i need one but it hasn't worked yet! Does anyone have one? If so do you like it? Is it worth it? I also want to take some sewing classes. Does anyone know of any in Tooele County?

On Saturday i went and got a massage from my friend Steffani. It was AMAZING!!! It seriously felt so good. I am hooked now and will be going every month! After the massage i did some errands and cleaned the house. Today i went to church, i love my primary class. They are so smart. I also took a nap and now i'm blogging and making chicken penne. I had a great weekend. of course i would have loved to spend some time with my wonderful hubby, but i had a really nice relaxing weekend!


  1. Those magnets are SO stinkin' cute. Where did you get the little wood and the vinyl? I have wanted to make some like that for a while.

  2. OH and sewing classes... I want to take some too but haven't heard of any in Tooele County. Let me know if you find of any. :)

  3. they were so easy to make. i think the lady just cut the wood herself and made the vinyl on her cricuit, thats why i want one so bad! but you could get the vinyl from that vinyl on the go in gville. its pretty cheap. they were so easy to make and they would be cute for things jaxon brings home from school. i am going to go to that sew shop in tooele to see if they offer any classes... i will let you know!

  4. talk to Melanie McNeill, lol i don't know if you've found any yet, but she does alot of quilts and has a HUGE machine, and my dream craft room. she might know of some, or might even teach you


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